In your waste audit, you’ll pick up any single use products you may currently purchase. For the tourism industry, examples might disposable plates, coffee cups, water bottles, straws, single use servings of condiments, milk, toiletries, office products such as printer cartridges and so on. Once you have some baseline data around the single use products you currently use, you can make a plan to find alternatives.
Don’t forget to tell your customers about your efforts to avoid single use items. It’ll make them feel like they’re making a difference too!
Video - how humans are turning the world into plastic. Modern life would be impossible without plastic – but we have long since lost control over our invention. Why has plastic turned into a problem and what do we know about its dangers? This video is a collaboration with UN Environment and their Clean Seas campaign.
YouTube offers practical, cost effective tools and resources to help reduce single-use plastic without compromising hygiene or the guest experience.