20 Resolutions for Sustainable Tourism Businesses in 2020

The New Year is a great opportunity to look ahead and plan to make some changes. We've put together 20 resolution ideas (10 business and 10 individual) for hotels – including addressing waste, carbon emissions and supporting the community. How many can you tick off in 2020? 

Business Resolutions: 

  1. Adopt a road, park or waterway and become part of the clean-up crew. 
  2. Go single-use free. Ban all single use items (straws, cups, plastic bottles etc) from your premises. 
  3. Sign up to RefillNZ (encourage people to refill their own water bottles). 
  4. Support a tree-planting project like Trees That Count or Million Metres. 
  5. Measure your businesscarbon use 
  6. Introduce a company policy to offset all flights.
  7. Develop and communicate your sustainability policy. 
  8. Support the community e.g. plan a team volunteer day, donate product to a good cause, etc. 
  9. Make a plan to sustainably dispose of your organic waste (e.g. donate to a pig farmer, compostuse an organic waste collection service, collaborate with local businesses on a collective solution). 
  10. Actively talk about the Tiaki Promise with your visitors.


Individual Resolutions: 

  1. Watch the movie 2040 if you haven’t already. 
  2. Commit to only buying takeaway coffee if your reusable cup is handy. Adopt the SUC (single use cup) motto: Sit, BYO or borrow! 
  3. Research and purchase in-season only produce at the grocery stores. 
  4. Commit to eating Meatless Mondays. Or become a flexitarian! 
  5. Choose one item that comes in a non-recyclable package, and give it up for the whole year (e.g. chips, chocolate bars, biscuits). 
  6. Challenge yourself to only buy used items - nothing new! 
  7. Switch to LED lights in your house. 
  8. Read at least one of the Top 10 books of 2019 on Climate Action 
  9. Choose to bus/bike/walk to work one day a week (or more!). 
  10. Donate to a social or community cause (e.g. one of the Australian bushfire appeals).