Talking about your sustainability work will increase your social licence to operate, enhance your brand and let your team and visitors know that they’re making a difference.
Consider including a sustainability page on your website. Publish news stories and media releases of your initiatives. Talk to your visitors about the Tiaki Promise and kaitiakitanga (guardianship), and tell them about your local flora and fauna. Make sustainability part of your product and visitor experience.
Include information about your support of the community in your marketing and communications.
Talking about your community engagement is a good way to improve your social license as well as potentially attract more visitors. Increasingly, visitors are interested in how they can make a difference to our environment and society, so make sure you’re talking about the good work that you do!
A great place to start is your website. Consider a News page or blog where you can add information (it’s a good idea to refresh your website regularly and adding articles is a great way to do it). Share posts on your social media channels and encourage the groups you’re working with to share on theirs as well. You could also consider writing and distributing a media release to talk about a new initiative.