To develop your sustainability plan go through the actions for each commitment, figure out where you need to start, and make a plan!
Actions to get started: Make sure you understand your supply chain and explore where you can move to more sustainable options, supporting local businesses and minimising waste. |
✓ | Complete an audit to understand your supply chain from a social and environmental perspective. |
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Set targets for improvement, focusing on supporting local suppliers and minimising waste and packaging. |
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Work with your suppliers to ensure they clearly understand your expectations of their products and packaging. |
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Develop a sustainable procurement/purchasing policy including the sourcing of goods locally, where possible. |
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Talk about your aim to achieve a sustainable supply chain, including telling stories about the great work your suppliers are doing. |
Actions for doing more: Once you have the basics sorted, consider how you can collaborate with others to create and embed sustainable supply chains for all products and services that we, and others, use. |
✓ | Actively work with your supply chain and other businesses where appropriate, to ensure a totally sustainable supply chain. |