Commitment 10

restoring nature

This Commitment is about contributing to protecting and enhancing Aotearoa New Zealand's environment, including water, biodiversity, landscapes and clean air.

To develop your sustainability plan go through the actions for each commitment, figure out where you need to start, and make a plan!

Actions to get started:

Start by identifying ways to individually or collectively enhance and protect nature in your community or where you operate, and take some immediate steps.


Identify and support a community planting, conservation or environmental restoration project.


Support a predator free or backyard trapping project in your area.


Have a plan in place to ensure you are doing nothing to pollute the waterways around you.


Take actions to engage with staff and the community on the importance of restoring nature.


Include environmental information in your visitor experience.

Actions for doing more:

Once you have the basics sorted, start looking at how you can offset your remaining carbon footprint, and work with others to drive change.

 ✓ If you have land associated with your business, develop an ecological restoration plan, including reporting metrics.
 ✓ Incorporate enhancing and protecting nature as part of your business plan and have reporting measures for the actions you take.
 ✓ Share the stories of the great things you are doing and the environmental difference you are making.
 ✓ Write submissions on environmental or social concerns.
 ✓ Show that your sustained efforts result in clear benefits to nature, and make it part of your story.


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